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As the School Alert System is reliant on a large number of integrated systems, most of which completely out of our control, we cannot assume any liability for Alert delivery and security. Generally, all of the systems involved (web, internet, digital service and phone) are extremely reliable. There are, however, a vast number of reasons that one or more of these systems might temporarily be inaccessible. In that case, Alerts will typically go through although not with the same speed that the system normally operates. Additionally, some digital systems respond more quickly than others. The School Alert System is an adjunct system designed to assist West Hartford Public School Administators get Alerts out to the population more effectively and efficiently. The School Alert System will not replace these current methods until such time that all of the systems involved are completely reliable and accessible to the entire population. As such, it is wise to use the School Alert System only as an addition to the current methods for learning about West Hartford Public School Alerts.
I have read and understand the disclaimer. Further, I will hold neither the West Hartford Public School System nor Vincens Web Marketing & Internet Business Solutions accountable or responsible for any Alert delivery issues.